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Starane Hi-Load HL has been granted a new EAMU for BLW control in Millet

5th May 2021

"With the loss of Bromoxynil another BLW herbicide was needed" says Premium Crops Company Agronomist, Hannah Foxall,"Having fluroxypyr as a Post-Emergence option will enhance our control of; cleavers, knotgrass, black nightshade, fumitory, chickweed and black bindweed in the millet crop"

As with all EAMUs any restrictions guidance stated on the products labels must be adhered to and the approval document can be found by clicking HERE 


"Formal approvals such as this by the HSE's Chemicals Regulation Division, is the culmination of a significant amount of work" says Premium Crops MD, Andrew Probert, "This successful application for Starane HI-Load is just a small part of our ongoing commitment to our growers and speciality crops in general."

Premium Crops invest significantly in tests and trials across a wide range of minor crop species to ensure that our growers have an effective armoury of varieties and crop inputs along with the best advice on how to use them.


Footnote: Don’t forget if there are any product on farm containing Bromoxynil these must be used up by the 17th September 2021. 

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